Thursday, 5 October 2006

Having the nerve to send an email like this = Priceless

I sent an email proposal confirming a conversation to a PB and received this reply..

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 5:30 PM
Subject: RE: Commonwealth Today

Hi David,

I’ve discussed this with one of our directors. Unfortunately we don’t have an advertising budget and are unable to pay for editorial pieces. Please let me know if there is something that we can do which doesn’t require payment.

Kind regards,


How many would have filed that one in the bin?
This is my response…

Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 8:37 PM
Subject: RE: Commonwealth Today


In answer to your question...yes, there are many things that you can do which do not require payment.

Comb your hair
Walk around the streets
Watch TV (if it is paid for, otherwise use someone elses)
Perform the second act of Hamlet (or some other favourite) in the privacy of your home
Jump up and down
Smile at strangers
Read a newspaper you have found
Stroke a dog
Kick a ball
Kick a dog
Play on the swings in the park
Wave at someone
Leap out in front of oncoming traffic
Sweep a floor
Listen to music
Point at random things
Do the hokey cokey
Rearrange the furniture (do not turn on the light)
Receive a phone call
Open an umbrella
Close an umbrella
Admire a painting
Sniff a flower
Steal something
Trip over something
Make shapes out of clouds
Stand on one leg
Cut your own hair
Listen to things
Blow your nose
Give up smoking
Give up drinking
Give up
Get undressed
Go to bed
Get up in the morning
Do it all again

The list is virtually endless. Please have a laugh and feel free to add your own ideas and pass it on.

Unfortunately...NONE of those things will position you in front of 8904 MP's and 1000 Institutional Investors in a high level publication that will increase the your business like Commonwealth Today will!

If your directors see that by speculating they will accumulate massive rewards, like other companies have done, then let me know and we will see what we can do.

Best wishes


I then get this

Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: Commonwealth Today

Hi David

Thanks for your email. It was funny and I showed it to my VP of Marketing. Now my Director thinks that we should be working with you!!
You are right, it is a question of spending money to get money back and I must admit that I didn’t see it that way. I have tried to call you but your lines are engaged. Please call me and so we can tie up the loose ends.

Kind regards


Having the balls to tell it like it is...Priceless

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