Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!

May your New Years Eve be safe and beautiful!

May you indulge in a night made with love and may you surround yourself with those you hold dear.

Savour the opportunity to observe and just be and in doing so, immerse yourself in the beauty of togetherness!!!

You now #Own2015 , and instead of resolutions, let's turn our dreams into plans, our plans into reality...and our reality into our LEGACY


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Now is the Time!

When one first went to school, to kindergarten, the idea was to push along until you got into 1st

Then you had to push along some more to get into 2nd grade and then to push along some more to get into high school.

Then there’s the pressure of pushing along even more to get into college and then step by step by step one gets out into the scary real world, where we have no safety net, and then the struggle intensifies.

We reach out for ladders to climb hoping that the ladder we are climbing is against the right wall because so many times one finds that the corporate ladder we have climbed is against the wrong wall, a wall that bears no comparison to another wall and we should have climbed that corporate ladder so we jump from one ladder onto another and we climb that one and when we get to our 40s or thereabouts we wake up and say to ourselves, ‘Huh?’ Have I arrived?’

And then we find ourselves thinking that we feel the same as we did back then at the very beginning. The same way that we have always felt. And we wonder if we haven’t been a little bit cheated.

We have all been fooled.

You are always living for somewhere you are not.

While I say it is of tremendous use for us to be able to look ahead in this way, there is no use planning for the future which, when you get there, it will become the present and you won’t be there.

You will be living in some other future which hasn’t yet arrived.

One is never in this way able to enjoy life in the now.

One cannot live at all unless one can live fully right now.

Monday, 17 November 2014

A Crime We Commit Against Ourselves

Beliefs can be very detrimental.
Even to the point of harm.

Why do I say that? Because we do harm to ourselves through a belief that we held but now know to be wrong. First:

I always get asked what I believe in. My answer is always the same: Nothing.
I used to have beliefs. Wow, did I have beliefs!

I believed that things would turn out ok. I believed that I would get the job I wanted. I believed that the company I worked for would always be there. I believed the new marketing plans we worked out would be fantastically successful. I believed the new salespeople I employed and trained would go on to greater things in the company. I believed that customers loved our cable TV product and packages…the list was endless.

And when, surprisingly, some of those things didn’t happen, and things went wrong, and the outcome was not what I believed it would be, guess what?

I had a belief about that too!

I believed there was a reason that things didn’t happen and why things went wrong and I believed in that. It made me construct a whole new set of beliefs.

At a point in 2009, my transformational experience, which I have outlined before, made me stop and realise. I knew NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G-! And then I realised, I knew EVERYTHING I needed to know and I would ACCEPT new teachings and understandings ONLY when I had investigated and looked at them with a critical eye. No more blind acceptance just because someone who is successful, or has a lot of fame or money, or has a book or has been on TV tells me so. I question new intelligence. If it seems unreal, or I cannot experience it, I don’t accept it until I can experience it. I do not believe in things.

Beliefs have a tendency to mess us up. We get so comfortable in a belief that we accept it as fact and stay with the belief rather than seek out the reality or the experience.

It is a stark reality when one considers this: Nothing in the world that is real requires a belief! Think of something in this world that is real and I guarantee you don’t need to believe in it to make it real.

A belief is not reality. It is a perception of a reality, not an actuality of a reality.

I have had people say to me, ‘You do believe me don’t you?’ and I have replied, ‘No. But I accept that you believe what you are saying, so I accept it.’ Big distinction. When it becomes a reality, when it happens, THEN I will have the reality, the experience and I won’t have to believe.

How many times have you believed something?

Here is the sad truth of how debilitating and destructive beliefs can be….

Some people believe that being married will be wonderful, loving, inclusive, happy, even forever.

Some people believe that being rich or successful will be fantastic, fun, give them security, happiness and freedom.

Some people believe that the new job will be the one that will set them up on a new career path, that it will give them all the prestige and money they need, that they will really excel at the role.

Some people think that going to a particular place for a vacation will be life changing, awe inspiring, fun, exciting, wonderful and unforgettable.

Some people believe that the movie or the show they are going to see will be unbelievable, emotional, scary, funny, intriguing and the best thing they have seen for ages.

The fact is…

Some people spend more time, energy, effort and money on planning a wedding than on a marriage. They focus on the day, not the life together.

Some people spend so much time dreaming about what it is like to be successful and rich but never plan on what to do when they are.

Some people spend a lot of time, effort, and training to get the job rather than KEEP the job. They were great at the interview, but doing the job? No.

Some people put so much time, effort and planning into arranging a two week holiday but have no idea of what will happen in the remaining 50 weeks of the year.

Some people make a movie in their mind about how great a cd, a show or a movie will be. They believe it, they think it will be wonderful but then, when they listen or see it, it doesn’t match their expectations.

When one of those situations happen, when the reality of the situation is different from what our belief of it was, our belief has been so strong and believable and we have engaged with it for so long it makes us commit a crime against ourselves which, if we continue and repeat it, will destroy us.

Because reality was nothing like, or just different from, the belief we have carried around for so long,

The crime we commit on ourselves is this: we start to believe that we did something wrong.

We think that the reason the reality was nothing like our belief was something to do with us. It was our fault. We just didn't 'get it'.  We are lacking in something.

No it isn’t. It is the fault of the belief that we held so true, so right, so great, so close.

Reality is just that: Real. It is EXPERIENCE. Our beliefs are nothing at all to do with reality. Reality will always beat our beliefs. In fact: Reality doesn’t give a damn about our beliefs. Beliefs are just ideas and opinions with no basis in experience. Only when we separate what we believe from what we experience will we begin to run our lives, but not before.

Monday, 10 November 2014

A Tale of Two Filing Cabinets

Transformation is a different thing entirely from change.  It doesn't take the past and change it, add to
it or re-organise it.  It creates a new context.  Possibilities that didn't exist now come into being.  The future is built on possibility.  The future is constant.

If we carry our past with us into the future, we are limiting the amount of space we have in our future because it is taken up with the past we bring into it.  If what we have in our future is our past, our future is going to be consistent with what we had in our past.

If we can take the past OUT of our future, we create an empty space which we can fill with all manner of possibilities and opportunities that are not governed or linked to any past activity. If you do not empty out your past from your future right now then all you are doing is changing your past.

Let's take a look at childhood experiences that have been traumatic.  It can be one experience that was big enough to be traumatic, or a series of experiences.

An example would be: If you have been bullied at school, it's probably not the one time but more likely a period of bullying over time.  That begins to shape who you are, and who you need to be, to become, to survive.  You can't do much at the time about that but you have to do something to defend yourself.  And that leads you into continuing to be that person who has built up defence mechanisms to deal with bullying but at some point you have to find a way to take that past OUT of your future and put it back IN the past.

We all have excess baggage.  We carry it around in our heads.  It's there even when we don't see it.
We are concerned about excess baggage when we go on vacation.  We don't want it then, so we weigh our bags to make sure we are below the requirement.  Trouble is, we carry it around at all other times.

At any given moment of any given day, we reference the excess baggage for information.  Even worse than that, we carry it into our future.  We expect to be able to function and plan and build strategies for a brighter future when we carry our past around with us.

I am not talking about forgetting your past, or where you come from, or your history, or the people in it...

I am talking about today being the day when you stop paying for your bags of excess baggage, and go forward with your hands open to grasp the opportunities that will come your way. You CANNOT grab opportunity if your hands are full!!

We human beings don't leave the past in the past.  We have the past in the future. When you do that it appears as if the past gives you who you are, and who you are in the present.

Lets imagine the past and the future as two filing cabinets.

If you take the past out of the filing cabinet marked FUTURE, and put it in the filing cabinet marked PAST, what have you got in the FUTURE?  NOTHING!  Which is wonderful. Fantastic!!!!


Because if, WHO I AM in the present, is determined by the future into which I am living, I can CREATE a future for myself that gives me, in the present, a life of being, joy, happiness, accomplishment...a life worth living.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Customer Service: Endangered Species

You CANNOT survive if your business model is 'always look for new customers', Service your existing customers! 

I am forever wondering the same thing...what happened to customer service?

In this fast moving, high energy, business world, when did we lose that good old fashioned 'customer service' option.
It's as if companies don't need customers!!

Has something happened that we have not been made aware of?  Have companies become omnipotent and just exist without having to have customers willing to buy their stuff to keep them in business?

Oh no...actually, they DO need us to buy their stuff but if you want after sales service it seems more and more likely that you will fall victim to the 'we have your money: tough' attitude.

A case in point is the automated service you get on the telephone with these places.  "Press 1 for... Press 2 for...." And then you get a voice telling you that you now have 8 more options...then 4 more options...and then...'I'm sorry, that department is not taking calls, goodbye'. (BT)  Or you end up in India.  They ask you to tap in date of birth, account number, door number, numbers from postcode, dogs middle name and blood group and then, when you finally get through to a life form, they ask for all those details again!

I have trained Customer Service departments when I visited large companies...even small companies whose CS department is only three people...and there are some Laws....

DISCLAIMER!  These are not rules out of a book, a training manual or something from some school, college or University.  They are LAWS!  They come from EXPERIENCE, COMMON SENSE AND THE STREET.  YEARS of experience.  They Work!


Law 1
You MUST have a commitment to your customer. THEY, on the other hand, do NOT have or need a commitment to you! You need to create their commitment to you...start now!

One of the biggest challenges companies have is keeping customers.  It's quite easy for a company to mess things up once in a while or to screw a customer around for no reason.  It's done every day.  But some companies take it to an art form.
So many companies send their sales staff out into the big wide world, either door to door or by telephone, to 'get new customers' and completely forget that they already have a ton of customers.  It's far easier to get business from people who are already a customer than to get new customers! Duh!
If you look after your customer then they will be your customer for good.  By looking after your customer I mean: Do what you say you are gonna do, give them what they expect to get, and more...OVERDELIVER!

Law 2
You may think satisfying your customer is a big deal? Guess what? It's not a big's expected!   It is a condition of the deal.  It is expected by your customer, of course. They expect to be satisfied by your product.  They expect to be satisfied by you. You should see that as a matter of course.

Customer satisfaction is a priceless commodity.  If your customer has peace of mind, they won't give you a piece of their mind....Got it?  No issues, no complaints, no challenges.  Your customer isn't expecting a trouble or issue free time but they are hoping for one and they also want to know one thing.  If issues or problems arise, YOU are going to deal with them immediately

The greatest phrase I came up with, and I know hundreds of companies use it now, is when a customer tells you 'I have a problem' your reply should be 'I can remove that problem for you'.  That's it.  Problem over in your clients mind.  If you cant remove it, take ownership and find someone who can, because having a problem is not your customers job, their job is to be satisfied.

Law 3
Remember all that work you did to get that customer?  Why did you stop?  You need to KEEP them.  The work STARTS when you get them!

A few years ago when working in the telecommunications field I was training sales people to switch customers from BT (The UKs biggest landline provider) to a cable telephone system.  One of the things I got the salespeople to make clear to the customer was that when they put the transfer in place they would be BOMBARDED by phone calls from BT asking if they could do something to keep them, or if they wanted different and more cost effective pricing plans.  I made sure that the salespeople asked the customer 'When was the last time they asked you if they could do anything for you?'  The answer was always the same.  NEVER!  Some of those people had been with that supplier for 25 years!  Many companies only care these days if you are going to leave them.  The art, or the secret, is to make sure that your customers are not even looking for a better deal.  You need to make them CERTAIN that you are the best, and you need to do that all the time.  Not just when a predator calls.

Law 4
A Loyal customer is the best customer you can have.  Better than satisfied.  But then, they are only going to be loyal if they ARE satisfied.

Satisfied customers spread the word.  'Well, my provider is great'...or 'We never have that problem with (your company name)'.  And they tell their friends.  If you don't satisfy your customer, not only will they tell 50 times more people that they are not satisfied, they will not stay.  They will not be loyal.  LOYAL is where you want them.  Stuck to you like glue.  the way to get them like that is to look after them, answer their questions, call them, do what you say you are going to do and quick.

If you are still stuck on whether you want satisfied or loyal customers, think of this.  Do you want your spouse to be Satisfied...or LOYAL?  Got it?

There are more Laws to this...and they really do work but, bottom line is simple....if you want a long term career, if you have kids at private schools, if you have a mortgage, if you want three holidays a year, nice cars, a great standard of living then you need to wise up.  If you lose customers ALL OF THAT CHANGES!
 You CANNOT survive if your business model is 'always look for new customers'  Service your existing customers. 
Over deliver.  Involve them. Call them and ask what else they want.  They bought from you once, they will buy again.

There is a great saying I use and firmly believe in and that is
"The salesperson gives up selling LONG before the buyer stops buying"

You cannot expect to mine for gold in the same place every day it will dry up.  Service your existing customers.  Stop making it hard for them with your automated call systems, your hold music, exorbitant charges, ignoring their calls, emails, requests for help.

Be the company they believed you were when they became your customer.  It was you who told them anyway...don't lie.

RAFT of Knowledge

We have 2 brains. We have 2 different kinds of intelligence; rational and emotional. When we cannot decide we say we are ‘in 2 minds’.

The techniques you are learning form a part of your EQ. That’s your Emotional Intelligence. Your EQ is more important than your IQ. The IQ test may help you get a job but your EQ will help you keep it. A high IQ is around 135. Many people with IQ’s of 135 and above work for people with IQ’s of 100 or less. Why? Because the person with the high EQ, the one who knows how to relate to other people, talk to other people and interact with other people in a manner they like, is always going to be way ahead of the game and have people following him. Because they do it naturally.

I always, now, describe the techniques, tools, teachings etc as a raft.

I describe the HPT-Transformation seminar as a raft as it enables you to cross from one side of the river to the other.  From who you are to who you were destined to be.

A raft is very handy if you want to get from one side of a river to another. You may want to get from the unsuccessful side of the river to the side where infinite power and success are available. But once you have reached the other side, you no longer need the raft itself. In fact, if you want to grow, and continue your journey, you have to leave the raft behind.

The challenge that we have, as humans, is that we tend to fall in love with the raft. We start to think, “This raft has been good. It’s a useful raft. It’s served me well. This raft is me!” But if we hang on to the teachings they will become a hindrance. You have to have the teachings ingrained, so ingrained in your mind they are second nature, and therefore, always inside you with no need for you to refer to them consciously.

The trick is this. By integrating the raft, or what we took on board while on the journey, into our being and into our unconsciousness it becomes second nature and we see opportunity, we hear opportunity and we create opportunity all around us.  We become that person we were destined to be and we gain control of our lives.

Being awake to openings, opportunity and life is the best way to be. Your energy level is high, your awareness is at peak level and your state is at a higher level. You become a magnet for opportunity. It seeks you out. And once you become one with the teachings, you will always be ready.  you will never need the raft again, because for you...there is no going back.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Transformation is a different thing entirely from change. It doesn't take the past and change it, add to
it or re-organise it. It creates a new context. Possibilities that didn't exist now come into being. The future is built on possibility. The future is constant.

If we carry our past with us into the future, we are limiting the amount of space we have in our future because it is taken up with the past we bring into it. If what we have in our future is our past, our future is going to be consistent with what we had in our past.

If we can take the past OUT of our future, we create an empty space which we can fill with all manner of possibilities and opportunities that are not governed or linked to any past activity. If you do not empty out your past from your future right now then all you are doing is changing your past.

Childhood experiences that have been traumatic. It can be one experience that was big enough to be traumatic, or a series of experiences.

An example would be: If you have been bullied at school, it's probably not the one time but more likely a period of bullying over time. That begins to shape who you are, and who you need to be, to become, to survive. You can't do much at the time about that but you have to do something to defend yourself. And that leads you into continuing to be that person who has built up defence mechanisms to deal with bullying but at some point you have to find a way to take that past OUT of your future and put it back IN the past.

We all have excess baggage. We carry it around in our heads. It's there even when we don't see it.
We are concerned about excess baggage when we go on vacation. We don't want it then, so we weigh our bags to make sure we are below the requirement. Trouble is, we carry it around at all other times.

At any given moment of any given day, we reference the excess baggage for information. Even worse than that, we carry it into our future. We expect to be able to function and plan and build strategies for a brighter future when we carry our past around with us.

I am not talking about forgetting your past, or where you come from, or your history, or the people in it...

I am talking about today being the day when you stop paying for your bags of excess baggage, and go forward with your hands open to grasp the opportunities that will come your way.

You CANNOT grab opportunity if your hands are full!!

We human beings don't leave the past in the past. We have the past in the future. When you do that it appears as if the past gives you who you are, and who you are in the present.

Lets imagine the past and the future as two filing cabinets.

If you take the past out of the filing cabinet marked FUTURE, and put it in the filing cabinet marked PAST, what have you got in the FUTURE? NOTHING! Which is wonderful. Fantastic!!!!


Because if, WHO I AM in the present, is determined by the future into which I am living, I can CREATE a future for myself that gives me, in the present, a life of being, joy, happiness, accomplishment...a life worth living.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The Energy and Freedom of Yes!

There is an Energy and a Freedom created by the word Yes.

“Yes” Is a very powerful word.  
It allows possibility, it creates opportunity, and it signifies agreement.

I remember reading an improvisational artist saying that the first rule of improv is to agree – to agree with whatever your partner has created.
The second rule of improve is to agree and then add something of your own to the mix.

If a scene starts with me saying:  ‘Wow! Isn’t it cold in here?’ and you just say ‘Yes’, we are at a standstill, the exchange is over and there is no way forward. 
If you had replied, ‘yes, and it can’t be good for all these old people sitting around in here’ then we are going to get somewhere with it.

Our patterns of conversation, the way we listen and speak and our first responses, are often defaulted around ‘no’ or ‘but’.  If we throw some reasons to underpin our response into the mix we limit the future in front of us.

For something, anything, creative to happen or appear in our lives, it shows up in our stand for possibility, in our ‘yes’.  I am not talking about manipulated events, not accidental or figured out but creating a context that allows for ‘yes’ to make things possible.

Standing up for possibility comes from nothing and when we create the field, the context, for ‘yes, and…’ it extends everything and broadens the horizon of possibility for us.

Creating ‘nothing’ is the foundation.  From ‘nothing’ we have the ability to create anything.  If we try to create from ‘something’ we will fail, because if we start with something we are merely changing something.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Experience Everything, because Experience IS Everything

Experience Everything, because Experience IS Everything

Experience is either On or Off.

There is no such thing as a slight experience.

Just as there is no such thing as being 'Slightly Pregnant' or 'Slightly Dead' one cannot slightly experience something.

You either experience something, or you don't.

You either experience Transformation, or you don't.

Many people say 'I got it, it was like a light bulb going on!'

The light bulb is either on, or off.  It cannot be slightly on.  Dimmer switches are either on, or off.

Experience is the Reality.

Your Beliefs about something have no real impact in your reality apart from the impact you give them.

Beliefs will always be trumped by the Reality of Experience

When we separate what we BELIEVE from what we EXPERIENCE we will begin to run our lives, but not before.

The problem with a belief is that we take it to be the truth.  That’s fine if you imprint a belief in your mind that you will achieve, you can do it, you will attain success….but we have thousands of other beliefs that do not serve us.  Those ‘other’ beliefs are detrimental and if we take THEM to be the truth we could get stuck in them.

In other words most of us persist in thinking and doing what we learnt long ago, rather than acting out of our experience in response to whatever is happening now.

A classic story illustrates this point:

A man watches his wife cutting an inch off the end of the Lamb bone before putting it in the oven to roast.  After watching her do this a few times before, her husband asks her why.  She tells him that her mother always did it that way.  A few weeks later the husband asks his Mother-In-Law why she cuts an inch off the end of the lamb bone.  She tells him, “My mother always did it that way.”  The Grandmother is very old, in her 90’s, and when the husband and wife visit her one day he asks her the same question. “Your granddaughter, and your daughter, cut an inch off the end of the lamb bone before they put the lamb in the oven. They do it because you always did. Why did you do that?”

The old lady looks at the husband and says, “Well, in those days, I had a very small oven and the leg of lamb wouldn’t fit unless I cut an inch off the end of the bone!”

Most people are cutting an inch off the end of something in their lives to fit into an oven that’s no longer too small for it.

Most people are stuck in a melodramatic soap opera of their lives with the same four or five problems they have always had.  The bigger problem is that they continue with beliefs that have been carved into their minds since childhood and they are the reason they keep repeating the behaviour.

Here is a frightening example:
You trip over when you are five years old and cut your knee and your mother says, 'Don't cry; crying is bad," so you don't cry.  Then you have a fall while skiing when you are 17 and you break your leg but you keep a stiff upper lip and you don't cry because crying is bad.  Then when you are 24 you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and you really thought that they were 'the one' and you STILL don't cry.
The more you repress your feelings the more your consciousness shuts down.  You become barely alive.  You act like a zombie.  You function mechanically and get a reputation as 'a bit of a cold fish'.
The reality is that as you function mechanically more and more, in some cases, you become successful at it.  Here's a reality check: Mechanical success is not any more satisfying than failure.
I took my psychology training years ago and therapy has always been concerned with the way people are run, or how they function, by what was rather than what is and how to free people from their past.  That never sat comfortably with me.  I know hundreds of people who trained just like me and never questioned it. 
There are 2 reasons they didn't question it:
1. FEAR! As in: 'Don't make waves....if you question it they will flunk you.'
2. Cut the end of the bone off the Leg of Lamb! 
What do I mean by that?  Think about it.  
That's right:  It has ALWAYS been done that way, so there must be a good reason for it.

How does HPT (Human Potential Transformation) differ from Therapy?  Therapy is concerned with curing people of an 'illness' whereas HPT offers people an experience of themselves, and the ability to design a future.
It is evident from my travels and studies, and from the Transformational Change work I have done in the last two years which, I admit, has become more extreme and direct, that Belief Systems are, by and large, a myth.
Belief Systems are created by knowledge or data without experience.
If you experience something, it is real for you.
If you communicate it to somebody, it is real for them because you are expressing your experience.
If they tell it to someone else, it's a lie.  It is merely a belief without the component of experience.
A belief is a very powerful thing.  You can kill or you can cure with one.  I have earned my living for many years training people to believe in themselves, which is good.  You CAN believe in yourself because you have the experience of yourself, you are your own reality.  I can prove to you, from my beliefs, that what I think and see is true.
I ask people what they expect to get out of the training program and the list can be very diverse. Some say they want to get to know themselves, some say they want to make better decisions, have more self confidence, be more decisive, fall in love, be more open, sell more product, be a better leader or manager....
What they ALL have in common is a set of expectations!
They truly believe that their happiness is dependant on more love, money, power, sex, self confidence, etc.  Each has a belief system that relates satisfaction to something they are striving for.
The REALITY is that their happiness is a function of accepting what is, and make it separate from what was and what is to come.
Belief is a structure which can contain very little information in terms of making it useful in your consciousness or well-being.
HPT works on Observation and not Belief.  Observation has nothing to do with the senses, perceptions or belief systems. It only deals with direct experience...REALITY.
One of the core HPT Observations is that Life can be considered to be three foot long, and the first two feet eleven inches are about the material aspects of life (food,clothing and shelter) and what's known as 'psychological needs'. You need someone to love you and someone you can love back. You need self esteem, recognition and respect from others.
After people fill their needs they start to look what it MEANS to fill their needs.  They start to realize that there is no true satisfaction in just filling your needs and they look beyond that.  And THAT is the last inch.  THAT is what HPT is all about.
It is the last inch, that has been cut off the bone again and again.  That Inch is the life changer. 

That last inch is where we discover TRANSFORMATION.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

My First iPhone - AKA missing in action

Day 1. Getting to know the phone.
Day 2. Spent whole day speaking to Siri.
Day 3 Discovered that the voice activation works very well.
Day 4. Looked at Apps. Took panoramic pics!!! Need a beach!
Day 5. Wondered why battery wasn't lasting. Deleted some apps.
Day 6. Wrestled with different notification settings to stop Battery drain.
Day 7. Discovered I can do hang outs on the phone!
Day 8. Discovered Instagram apps
Day 9. Face Time!!!!
Day 10. Took Slow Motion movie...amazed.
Day 11. Took Time-Lapse movie...Stunned.
Day 12. Still don't know what my phone number is!
Day 13. First phone call made!........
Day 14. Transferred phone book from BB to iPhone
Day 15. Remembered no one knows my new phone number. (Hmmmm, tempting)
Day 16. Very happy, back in the real world now.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Have, be and do anything (part 2)

Let’s cut away the fallacy from the facts…

They are people who belong to Companies, Businesses, organizations and groups who know these secrets and who pass this information on to a select few.  The average guy has no chance of gaining membership and receiving all the benefits from the knowledge, networking opportunities and associations these societies offer…UNLESS, they were invited, proposed and accepted.

That is one reason the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Most of the secret societies are not really a secret at all. It’s what goes on INSIDE the societies that is the big secret! It’s how its members work together that is a secret!

“These secrets are known to the chosen few people.” 
That is absolutely true.

“Who are these people?” 
They are members of Companies, societies and organizations around the world, but they are NOT the secret underground, Area 51, for your eyes only, stealth, need to know basis, loved by conspiracy theorists Gray Men people think are lurking in the background. 

When you are a member of one of these organizations or societies you LEARN a new way of doing things,  of how to obtain incredible wealth, power, luck, control, happiness, romantic love… You learn how to CONTROL all situations in your life and how to make all events turn out for YOUR advantage. You are taught secrets that can allow you to HAVE…BE....and DO...ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU WANT!

These secrets,
CAN make all your dreams come true!

The questions I get asked are...
“WHAT exactly are these secrets?
“HOW do I apply these discoveries for wealth, power, luck, love and romance in my personal life and make it work for me?


How can I get this knowledge without being a member of these societies, companies or organizations, so I can BE, DO, and HAVE EVERYTHING I WANT “FAST?”

Now those questions are being answered! Whatever YOUR dreams in life are....they CAN be achieved!

I have been a member of some of these organizations and societies and my only reason for doing so was to get where I am today!  I joined to learn the secrets of making incredible amounts of money, having major successes in business and improving my life and the lives of the people around me in all areas.

I am now willing to REVEAL these secrets to a few select people including YOU. These secrets have been kept exclusive to members only — up until now!

These secrets are SO powerful
and work so fast
that they AMAZE all who use them.

When used correctly, whatever you want in life can come RUSHING to you like it is being pulled by a magic magnet.

WARNINGMoney can come to you so fast and in such large amounts, it will frighten you!   (I know this sounds too good to be true, but it IS TRUE…and it is as good as it sounds!)

I am the ONLY person to have been given, and to have acquired this information who is willing to pass THE COMPLETE INFORMATION on to people outside of those organizations, businesses and societies.  Imagine having ME ‘PERSONALLY’ teach YOU how to apply this most powerful secret technology in YOUR life and help MAKE ALL YOUR DREAMS AND WISHES COME TRUE!

For the first time ever you will have revealed to you the secrets that were previously exclusive to members of these groups! Now, for THE FIRST TIME, someone is willing teach YOU exactly how to use these powerful secrets in YOUR life and make them WORK for RECORD SPEED!  And that person…is ME!

You will learn how to HAVE, BE AND DO ANYTHING YOU DESIRE!

Imagine having ME as your PERSONAL mentor to teach YOU the secrets to making more money faster than you ever thought possible, have unlimited power in your personal life, have the most amazing romantic relationship you could imagine, have amazing health and vitality, become lucky in everything you do, control all people and situations in life, and have the financial freedom to enjoy your life like never before!

As you know, these companies, organizations and  societies include many wealthy and powerful people. I have talked with and confer with many of these members.

In all the books and seminars you have read or watched, in person, on tape, on DVD or on the Internet, you have ONLY EVER been given enough information to make you want more.  The people promising you answers are not going to give you THEIR secrets because they don’t want the competition.  They are just going to tell you enough to make a slight increase in the levels of your life so that you see an improvement.  So that you think ‘it worked’ but then…nothing else happens.  If you are happy with that then stop reading now.

Here is the difference that MAKES the difference:


Here is the shocker, you better sit down:  Unlike the others I DON’T CARE HOW SUCCESSFUL OR RICH YOU BECOME because I don’t see you as a threat to ME…I KNOW THERE IS ENOUGH WEALTH IN THE UNIVERSE TO GO AROUND…IT IS ABUNDANT.  THERE IS ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE. 
The ONLY barrier to your success is YOU!

I have associated with some of the most successful and powerful people on the planet. This creates a “master mind” group – making the society even more powerful, and membership even more beneficial. When you associate and learn from super successful people, it actually DOES rub off on you —— YOU are changed for the better!
See it as the ULTIMATE CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE AND SUCCESS...And the best part of a circle is....?  BEING ON THE INSIDE!

Think about it…dream about it…AND watch for the next post when you will be given the opportunity of your lifetime.
In the mean time...think of this...

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Have, Be, Do Anything You Want!

Have you ever read a book like The Secret, the Power, Think and Grow Rich, Ask and It is Given,
Rich Dad/Poor Dad and others.  Haven’t we all?  The bookstores on our high streets and online are turning over thousands of copies of these books every week.  One common factor runs like a thread through all of these books:  they promise to teach you how to make millions, be happy and manifest all your desires.

It is no surprise that they have been talked about on SkyNews, Oprah, CNN, NBC, The Today Show, Newsnight and written about in Time Magazine, The New York Times, GQ, Cosmopolitan and hundreds of other publications. Major celebrities, famous billionaires and members of Royal Families have admitted to using the information in these books to achieve riches and fame.

When you read one, or all of them, did you get the feeling that something was missing?  As if you had completed a 1000 piece jigsaw only to find that the most important piece was missing?  You are not alone in feeling like that!

These books are very good.  They explain a lot.  They show you what can be achieved.  But there is a problem with them…they ALL miss the most important secret key ingredient that makes the information REALLY work, and work FAST!

That’s why most people who read them do not get results. Most of the people who buy and read these books get all excited about their life changing, getting that new job, new car, new partner and that ability to have some salary left at the end of the month rather than some month left at the end of the salary!  Then, the reality sets in.  They do everything those books suggest and they wait, and they wait, and they wait…and NOTHING has changed! 

Quite naturally, people believe that they did one of three things:

1. They did something wrong…they didn’t!
2. They didn’t do it right…they did!
3. They missed they didn’t…it wasn’t there!! 

The third one is almost right! In actual fact, they didn’t miss anything, it just wasn’t there!  It’s very hard to miss something if it isn’t there in the first place.

The fact is that there IS a MISSING KEY that has been PURPOSELY OMITTED from these books and others like them! This KEY INGREDIENT makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

I am about to tell you about the MISSING KEY to making ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! Here is how I learned about this and why I am offering it to you now.

As I have revealed in my seminars and on my blog, I have spent many years studying just what it is that some people do that makes the difference that makes a difference.  Why are some people more successful than others?  Why do some people seem to have everything while others spend their lives wanting?  Why is it that some people seem to live high up in a rarefied atmosphere where wealth is all around them and yet, they don’t appear to be doing anything different than YOU?

How many times have you asked yourself: ‘Why can’t I be more successful?’ or ‘Why can’t I have what I want, live the life I want, and provide everything for my family?’

Get ready!

I am going to show you how to have, be or do anything you want!!

The next post will blow you away!

Thursday, 11 September 2014

9/11 Tribute. Never Forget...

Today is September 11. I am taking this moment to post this tribute again as a reminder that we must never, EVER, give in to terrorism.

These are photographs from the New York ten year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.  These images are as important today as then.

These stunning images show a city with an indomitable spirit.

As you look at the photographs you will be moved, like I am, by the sheer determination and spirit of the people of New York. Although this is a tribute to the 3000 or so lost souls of 9/11 the strength, spirit and determination of the people of New York is illuminated also.

It is clear to everyone that terrorists can never, ever, win. The beauty of us, as a human and humane race, is that we will never bend against the force of the wind of terror. It cannot destroy the hope, the dreams or the spirit that we carry within ourselves. It will never extinguish the flame of hope, goodness and humanity that we carry in our hearts.

Blessings to my Family, Friends and Clients in the USA and especially the people of New York and Washington.

If we look after each other,

If we care for each other,

If we support each other,

If we love each other,

We will be strong...

We will be united...

And We will NEVER be beaten.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Diversion: Prisoner of the Establishment-Giovanni De Stefano

A Prisoner of the Establishment

I have followed the career of Giovanni De Stefano for a number of years. He first caught my attention when he worked on the Nicholas Van Hoogstraten case and managed to secure his release.

Having researched him and looked at the cases he has worked on that have hit the headlines, it was, and still is, clear to me that this is a man with a brilliant intellect who finds not only the evidence in favour of the client but also the flaws and inconsistencies in the legal system and brings the establishment to account.

The legal system in the UK now appears to work on a ‘Guilty till proven Innocent’ basis. Thankfully, there are some un-blinkered and ethical people around who look at the facts rather than the hyperbole surrounding them and I consider GDS to be one of them.

The average Joe in the street is probably still a believer in British Justice. The term British Justice is quite often an oxymoron and the imprisonment of GDS is a case in point. There is no justice in that.

Here is a man who states he is qualified to be a solicitor. Why should we doubt him? How many times have you asked a solicitor or a barrister for their qualifications?

Furthermore, results speak for themselves. GDS has worked on many high profile cases as well as many other cases that have not made the news and got a result. He got Justice for the client, he interrogated the facts and came up with evidence or in some cases flaws that meant the client’s innocence was proven or the judicial system had made an error. To say that he is NOT qualified to be a solicitor rather exposes the inadequacies of what the legal profession call qualified solicitors as he was the one getting results in cases where other Solicitors feared to tread. I know who I would want in MY corner!

To my mind, the imprisonment of GDS is nothing but revenge by the establishment. Here is a man who should NOT have been imprisoned for this length of time, if at all. The punishment doled out by a court is just that: the punishment. Whether or not he was sentenced to 4 years, 14 years or life, he was sent to prison AS punishment. HE WAS NOT SENT TO PRISON FOR PUNISHMENT!

For over a year the authorities have messed him around, given him false hope and incessantly delayed his repatriation to Italy. This, to me, is inhumane.

I believe that the authorities have a duty of care to every prisoner residing at Her Majesty’s Pleasure (What pleasure she gains from this-no one knows).

GDS exposed the CPS, and the Legal system itself, as being inadequate. He has proven himself a brilliant solicitor and tenacious Lawyer. The Judicial system is the master of the game, but GDS continually outshone it, and for that alone I believe he is being punished.

I have communicated with Giovanni by mail, but unfortunately I have never met him. I only wish that I could as I would shake him by the hand. He is a clever, knowledgeable, friendly, family orientated man who is being let down on a daily basis, by the industry he has served so well and on behalf of so many people.

There is a documentary about him called ‘Notorious’….

…what is happening to him now is ‘Scandalous’.

The establishment and the British Legal System should be ashamed of themselves.

Please Note: 
GDS DID make concessions in Court that due to his own workload was on some occasions unable to fulfil his obligations to clients a term of imprisonment for professional negligence GDS himself would admit was maybe called for, however, 22 years is not an adequate sentence.  There were admissions of non fulfilment of obligation, and for that Giovanni had no excuse. He took too many clients and stupidly thought he could help the World at the cost of his own liberty.

For more information watch this:

or check out the website  
edited by the very talented +caroline bayford 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Robin Williams - Genie, you're FREE!...

I have been thinking for the last couple of hours about the late and great  Robin Williams ever since I saw the
news this morning....

Depression is named as the reason for his suicide.

One must understand, that the human spirit, the essence of our being, may not be in alignment or even in Harmonic balance sometimes....

It is evident occasionally through our words, actions and thoughts but on other occasions this imbalance is purely and solely internal and, if left unattended, can unleash a spiral of destruction on such a scale that one loses sight of the catalyst, believing that it has gone away, when in fact, it insidiously disguises itself within us only to reveal itself at a moment when we have no power to hold it or contain it.

Not only must we look within ourselves for this imbalance, we must be aware of it in others.

Robin Williams was a great success, a famous and well loved man, With a Wife, children, friends, he was by all accounts a caring compassionate man who was a friend to everyone he met and who touched the lives of millions. He had wealth, no financial difficulties and a career behind him and ahead of him....and yet, he took his own life.


As I walk through London, as in many cities around the world, I see penniless, poor individuals with absolutely nothing. No family, no career, nowhere to call home, no idea of what let alone where , they will eat and sleep later. They rely on scraps of food given to them and money dropped into their hands...and yet, they get up and carry on waiting for something to change.

Life is unique, for everyone. It can also be incomprehensible sometimes.

Monday, 4 August 2014

What, me worry?

Here's a Thought for the Coming Week....

It's just something that may get you back on track if you worry about things:


~ #DaveMoore #HPTTransformation

Print this and put it on your wall!

Phase Transition: the Critical Mass Creating Transformation


Quantum Physics shows us that the random particles in a particle accelerator begin to align 1 by 1...when they reach a Critical Mass all the others fall into place.

I am indebted to +JamesA Ray who, in conversation, really got me thinking differently about this.

All it takes to make a massive change in your life, in your community and in the world is a group of likeminded people to reach a critical mass. Then you will shift the conscious mind of the planet.

We think too small these days.

Where are the visionaries?
JFK, who said 'we will go to the moon by the end of the decade.'
Gorbachev, who helped tear down the Berlin Wall.
+Elon Musk who created Tesla, SpaceX and Paypal
+Richard Branson who is taking the first civilians into space.
+Naveen Jain who is soon to be sending a spaceship to the moon and even Mars!
This is all about LEGACY!
It's what we leave behind for future generations.
It's what we are remembered for.
It's what we achieve.

We transform the world we know into a world of infinite possibility.

Whoever your personal God is, or maybe it is a Universal wants us to choose goals that are SO BIG we cannot do them alone!

We do not get fired up by the things we can do easily!

We get fired up by doing things we have no idea how to do, and those that are HARD!

Communities are the key, the spark.

Communities are the Critical Mass

We need our tribe.
We are here to leave a legacy!
What can we do right now to make a difference?

Collectively, and with the same objectives, we become unstoppable...and the universe will conspire behind us and we create a Transformation...

Take Flight

In these days of Heightened Airport Security
I can't help but see this subliminal message!
I am writing this as I sit on the plane flying back to England.

I love flying.  I remember that one year, through work,  I had flown over 140 times!  Short day trips and longer flights.

I am amazed at the man behind me.  He is holding a bible, and a rosary, and has spent the last two hours sitting there, head bent, and with his eyes closed.  When I say 'holding' the bible and rosary I mean strangling them.  His knuckles are white.

He isn't sleeping...he is praying: with the occasional groan.

The flight from LA to London meant a transfer at Chicago.  He got on at Chicago and we have at least 8 hours flying time so, as prayers go, that is going to be a humdinger.  I hope his personal God is taking notes.

So here we sit.  All is quiet apart from the hum of the engines, the clink of the glasses at the bar, and the occasional groan of the praying man.

This is 1st class.  Big comfortable seats. A bar.  I am up front in the bump of the Jumbo Jet.  I wonder if I should tell the praying man that if we crash I will probably act as an airbag for him and he will be OK? Maybe not.

Fear of flying has always puzzled me.  They say it is the safest form of travel.  You can be born on a plane, live on a plane while it flies non stop and you would reach 77 years of age before it ran into any kind of trouble.  I don't really believe that...I think it would need to refuel occasionally.

Checking the in flight magazine I see that we are strapped into a huge 231ft long metal tube that shot along the runway at 180mph to take off and climb up into the sky, weighing 833,000lbs, containing 52,000 gallons of fuel, flying at an average height of 36000ft and hurtling through the air at 565mph to land on a two mile strip of concrete....what could POSSIBLY go wrong with that?  I wonder if the praying man has read that?  Probably.

I hope he hasn't looked at the bulkhead wall.  There is a door 3 feet away from him which, if I can, I will take a photograph of....and there it is...see what I mean?...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It is a door leading to oblivion by the looks of it.  I hope he realises it is not an option.

Sitting at the bar having a third large Gin and Tonic I think back to the seminar and the trip to LA for one night.  It was a shame that nothing got coordinated to meet my online friends...times and plans change at the last minute.

+Nora Whalen who I thought would be in LA flew to Seattle to meet +Jessica Dewell so we probably passed each other at 30,000 the other day.
+Connie Avila-Von Leitner was probably busy moving home so that's a meet for next time.
I noticed on email just now that I did have the chance to meet with Phil from +OneGR8Life !!!!  Damn you Googlemail.  that shot into my spam box for some reason.  Sorry Phil, next time, which is in a couple of months.
In LA Paul made a Rendang Pandang curry that blew my head off as if a distress flare had gone off in my mouth.  It was fantastic.

Tony, who came to LA with me while the rest of the team flew home is still in LA looking at the women on the beach.  We really scared a guy near the Dodgers stadium when Tony asked him if there was somewhere nearby he could get some fags!  The guys expression will live in my mind forever.  God bless you sir, but he only wanted to buy some cigarettes!!  Lost in Translation.

Seattle was great, what I saw of it, and I will go back.  Something called Cow Burgers(?) was recommended but I went Mexican instead...not a great idea....I love Mexican food but it was late and there was an early start and it was convenient.  I will try the double decker burger next time.

Spent some private time at the grave of Bruce Lee and his son Brandon.  Then the guys wanted their pic taken for the Dojo wall and the mood was shattered!!!  RIP Bruce.

Didn't have time to go up the Space Needle and realised that Frasier's apartment was a film set in Burbank so all in all...still plenty of stuff to do on the next trip.

I liked what I saw this first trip to Seattle, and of course LA which I have been to many times.  I get the feeling I need to relocate there...around the Seattle suited me.

East coast bound in late august.  A trip for work and a visit to my cousin who married a man in the Air Force over there.  If the timing is right I may get to meet +Kate Nasser in person.  Google has opened up a world of contacts...

We are now approaching England.....and the praying man is sleeping.  Dreaming of happy landings...and so am I.

Friday, 18 July 2014

The Pale Blue Dot


That is us...on the right.

That Pale Blue Dot, as Carl Sagan called us.

In this current climate it is easy to lose hope when faced with Man's inhumanity to Man.

We look at the news and see the latest atrocity.  War, famine, Murder, Hate, and now a Passenger plane shot out of the sky.

It is very easy to question our faiths, our beliefs, our understanding of the human race, but we must never forget that we are, inherently, civilised human beings.

What we have inside of us, beating our heart, coursing through our veins, pumping through our body, firing off in our brains, is faith in others, compassion for others, and love for one another.

The world is not full of bad people.  It is not full of murderers, terrorists and killers.  It is not full of people who want to conquer, overthrow, ruin or take things from others.

The few people that do this are just that: the few.

The few will never win.  Unless we stand against the few, we will never be able to have peace.

That Pale Blue Dot is all there is.  Once what is on that blue dot is gone, it's all over.  We cannot get help from outside of the Pale blue Dot.  We can only help each other.

We are the Majority.  We are people who look forward.  People who help others.  People who look after ourselves and those around us.  We are the people who build futures, businesses, lives.  We are the people who stand together and face adversity.  We are the people who have been knocked down but have got back up again, stronger than we were before.  We are the people who as one say 'No, this is not right.  We do not condone these actions.  THIS IS WRONG!'

There is no future in destruction, in terrorism, in war, in murder, or in death.  The future is OUR way of living, and we must NEVER forget it.