Friday, 19 November 2010

Become a Key Person of Influence

I would recommend that you go along to your local bookstore or click onto Amazon and grab a copy of this book.  Daniel Priestley has written a valuable and instructive book that contains The 5 Step Sequence to becoming one of the most highly valued and highly paid people in your industry and will help you increase not only your web visability but also your bank balance.  It's a well written and clearly laid out book of common sense tips and techniques that will help you build your business and your brand.  I have given a couple of copies to my friends and I suggest you do the same.

"Why's that Dave?" I hear you ask.  Well...

Every industry has an inner-circle full of “Key People of Influence” …
■Their names come up in conversation … for all the right reasons

■They attract opportunities … the right sort

■They earn more money … and it isn’t a struggle
That could be you, that's why!!!  If you want a piece of THAT action, buy the book! 

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Let it Snow - Let it Snow - Let it Snow...

As the UK is braced for the possibility of snow next week I want all of the door to door salespeople to take heart from the fact that this is the BEST time to get knocking and selling.  Simply because your PB, Probable Buyer, will be indoors because of the weather.  It gets dark at 4pm and the lights come on.  You can even SEE them indoors.  Your contact rate will skyrocket and so will your commission which means your bank balance will be as full as Santas sack!

Just remember.  Your PB will give you all the information you need if you ask the right questions.  By right questions I mean, questions that make your customer think.  Questions that make them give you information about them and why they buy.  When you get the sign to go in, or to ask for the business, take it.  Don't keep talking about who you are and how great your company is...take action, get the deal and get the business.

Your customer will give you all the information you need.  Listen to them, hear it, read it, use it.  Don't be the guy in the cartoon at the top of this post.  See the sign...